Fall 2024 Course Syllabus
Course: BIOL-2120 (Section: 11H, CRN: 92504)
Microbiology Laboratory
LSCPA Logo Image
Instructor Information
Instructor Dr. Percy Jordan
Email jordanpj@lamarpa.edu
Phone (409) 984-6335
Office Student Center - Room: 412
Office Hours Monday & Wednesday: 9:00 am to Noon and 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm; Tuesday: 11:00 am to 2:30 pm;
Thursday: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Additional Contact Information Email questions to me or post questions in Discussions of the course Blackboard page. You may also schedule a meeting via Zoom.
Course Information
Description This course covers basics of culture and identification of bacteria and microbial ecology. This course is primarily directed at pre-nursing and other pre-allied health majors and covers basics of microbiology. Emphasis is on medical microbiology, infectious diseases, and public health.
Required Textbooks Textbook Purchasing Statement: A student attending Lamar State College Port Arthur is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from the college-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer.

Microbiology with Diseases By Body Systems (5th ed.) by Robert Bauman. ISBN: 9780134607900.
Publisher is Pearson.

This textbook will contain an access code for Pearson Mastering Microbiology. Please only purchase the textbook from the Lamar State College Bookstore or directly from the Publisher in order to receive the correct access code.

You will only purchase one access code for lecture and lab. The same access code will work for both lecture and lab.
Additional Materials/Resources

A functioning computer with a webcam is required to take all online exams and quizzes.  It is the student's responsibility to have both. Alternatively, exams may be taken at one of the computer labs on the LSCPA campus.
Required Software (available free of charge)

  • Microsoft Office
    • This software package contains MSWord which you’ll need in this course & other useful programs.  Office 365 suite is available to students Free of Charge. 
    • The URL for the instruction page and link to download Office 365 is::  

  • Respondus Lockdown Browser
    • This is required to be installed on any computer/tablet used to take an exam or quiz.  
    • Link to download Respondus Lockdown Browser:  https://www.respondus.com/lockdown/download.php?id=139113547   
    • The link to download Respondus Lockdown Browser is also next to the “Online LSCPA support” section of the Institution homepage. (Look at the bottom) 
Corequisites/Prerequisites None
Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Use and comply with laboratory safety rules, procedures, and universal precautions.
2. Demonstrate proficient use of a compound light microscope.
3. Describe and prepare widely used stains and wet mounts, and discuss their significance in identification of microorganisms.
4. Perform basic microbiology procedures using aseptic techniques for transfer, isolation and observation of commonly encountered, clinically significant bacteria.
5. Use different types of bacterial culture media to grow, isolate, and identify microorganisms.
6. Perform basic bacterial identification procedures using biochemical tests.
7. Estimate the number of microorganisms in a sample using methods such as direct counts, viable plate counts, or spectrophotometric measurements.
8. Demonstrate basic identification protocols based on microscopic morphology of some common fungi and parasites. 
Core Objectives
  • Communication skills: Students will demonstrate effective written, oral and visual communication.
  • Critical Thinking Skills: Students will engage in creative and/or innovative thinking, and/or inquiry, analysis, evaluation, synthesis of information, organizing concepts and constructing solutions.
  • Empirical and Quantitative Skills: Students will demonstrate applications of scientific and mathematical concepts.
  • Teamwork: Students will demonstrate the ability to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal and consider different points of view.
Lecture Topics Outline Safety in Microbiology Laboratory

Use and Application of Microscopy

Aspetic Transfer of Bacteria and Streak Plate Technique

Smear Preparation and Fixation

Simple Stain and Gram Stain

Negative Stain and Endospore Stain

Types of Media

Kirby-Bauer Test

Protozoans and Fungi

Major Assignments Schedule All pre-lab assignments are completed using information in the textbook, lab book, the lab handout, and using the Mastering A&P website. The pre-lab assignments are completed on the Mastering A&P site and are accessed by the link on the LAB course website.
The same Pearson Mastering Microbiology access code is used for both Lecture Pearson Mastering Assignments and Pre-Lab Pearson Mastering Assignments.

During the first week of class, the exam schedule will be posted in the course Blackboard page.

Final Exam Date December 5, 2024 - 11:00 AM   Through  December 5, 2024 - 12:20 PM
Grading Scale 90 - 100=A
80 - 89=B
70 - 79=C
60 - 69=D
59 -   0= F
Determination of
Final Grade
Calculating LAB Average:

Lab Extra Credit (Total 10 points) = (Discussion Post /2) + (Group Project/8)

Final Lab Course Average  =  (Lab Ex1 + Lab Ex2 + Lab Ex3 + Lab Extra Credit) / 3

No grades are dropped when calculating averages.

There are NO “re-takes” on any exam or quiz. Exams & quizzes that are not taken well be counted as “0”

Course Policies
Instructor Policies It is imperative that you check your email 2-3 times per week. Please check your spam or trash folder regularly.

The course schedule is posted on the course website.  The schedule gives the lab assignments you should be working on each week.

Attendance Policy It is the responsibility of each student to have a RELIABLE computer AND Internet access for the duration of the course. Computer labs at LSCPA are available for use.

Please note that some course material may not be accessible using a cell phone and/or tablet device.

Handouts for all labs are posted on the course website. These contain information about the lab topic, indicate the sections of the lab workbook assigned for that lab, references to images posted on the course website, as well as questions over lab content. These lab handouts are designed to provide you guidance on what to study. They are not submitted for grading.

If you miss an exam because of an excused absence, your lowest lab exam score will be used as the score for the exam that you missed. Excused absences include medical and family emergencies and are determined at the instructor's discretion. You can only miss one exam with an excused absence (excluding the final).
Poor preparation, vacation, or conflict with other scheduled exams is not a valid excuse for missing an exam.
Additional Information September 30, 2024 - Final day to drop a course or withdraw without academic penalty.
November 25, 2024 - Final day to drop a course or withdraw with academic penalty.

I will not discuss grades over the phone. You may request your grades by e-mail from your Lamar State College-Port Arthur e-mail account (for example, doeja@lamarpa.edu) or by student-instructor conference.
Institutional Policies
MyLSCPA Be sure to check your campus email and Course Homepage using MyLSCPA campus web portal. You can also access your grades, transcripts, academic advisors, degree progress, and other services through MyLSCPA.
Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSCPA policies (Academic Dishonesty section in the Student Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty.
ADA Considerations The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241.
COVID 19 Information The Lamar State College Port Arthur (LSCPA) Student Code of Conduct COVID 19 Policy requires students who have been diagnosed with COVID 19 to report their condition directly to their local health department. Students should also contact their course faculty to report their quarantine status. In addition, this policy requires all students to wear face coverings when directly exposed to COVID 19 in compliance with the criteria included in the policy. For more information please refer to the COVID 19 link on the LSCPA website.
Facility Policies No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission. Use of electronic devices is prohibited.
HB 2504 This syllabus is part of LSCPA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect As per Texas law and LSCPA policy, all LSCPA employees, including faculty, are required to report allegations or disclosures of child abuse or neglect to the designated authorities, which may include a local or state law enforcement agency or the Texas Department of Family Protective Services. For more information about mandatory reporting requirements, see LSCPA's Policy and Procedure Manual.
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct LSCPA is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment that is free from all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other forms of sexual misconduct. All LSCPA employees, including faculty, have the responsibility to report disclosures of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault (including rape and acquaintance rape), domestic violence, dating violence, relationship violence, or stalking, to LSCPA's Title IX Coordinator, whose role is to coordinate the college's response to sexual misconduct. For more information about Title IX protections, faculty reporting responsibilities, options for confidential reporting, and the resources available for support visit LSCPA's Title IX website.
Clery Act Crime Reporting For more information about the Clery Act and crime reporting, see the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report and the Campus Security website.

Grievance / Complaint / Concern If you have a grievance, complaint, or concern about this course that has not been resolved through discussion with the Instructor, please consult the Department Chair.
Department Information
General Education and Developmental Studies
Chair:Dr. Steven Zani
Phone:(409) 984-6431